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v0.915060 new

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v0.915060 new Empty v0.915060 new

Mensaje por tavo_unlock Miér Feb 24, 2010 1:55 pm


broken calypso lite support, fixed
- further fixes for alternative bypass support

about high speed flashing.

1. not all a2 phones support it, you will get errors: 3ee,3ed. in that case just disable high speed usb flashing on a2 tab.
2. you need to attach phone to usb 2.0 capable controller.
3. you need to use high quality usb cable, dcu60 is NOT recommended (but can work). dcu65 IS recommended."
user new

Cantidad de envíos : 190
Fecha de inscripción : 18/03/2009
Edad : 34
Localización : columbia

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