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Unlock Inspire 4G ATYT BY lgtool

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Unlock Inspire 4G ATYT BY lgtool Empty Unlock Inspire 4G ATYT BY lgtool

Mensaje por Josed Mar Dic 18, 2012 5:10 pm

Connecting with Inspire 4G
To connect with this phone you should use special microSD cable.
Press the button "Cable" to view pinout.
In order to make microSD cable you should do the following:
1. Get microSD card (1Gb or 2Gb, don't use SDHC).
2. Get two thin wires.
3. Solder first wire to microSD to pin4(+2.8V..+3.3V).
4. Solder second wire to microSD to pin6(GND).
5. You can use any +3V source (even 2xAAA) as power supply.
6. Also you should use microSD card reader.
7. External power supply(+3V) needed only for the phone microSD reader.
8. Do not use external power supply with PC microSD reader.
WARNING: Don't forget to click "Disconnect" at the end.
Receiving phone info
In order to connect with phone you should:
1. Install HTC ADB drivers
2. Turn on the phone
3. Enable Debug mode in phone (Settings->Applications->USB Debug)
4. Check your Internet connection
5. Plug USB Cable
WARNING: Don't forget to click "Disconnect" at the end.
Probing ADB Interface...
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.29
Starting ADB server...
Waiting for device...
Device Found: HT13WT203777
Waiting for data...
Waiting for boot completion...
Waiting for device id...
Getting data...
Serial Number: HT13WT203777
Android Version: 2.3.3
Manufacturer: HTC
Model: Desire HD
Hardware: spade
ROM Version: 2.47.502.7
BOOT Version: 0.85.0024
IMEI: 354455-04-363086-0
CID: CWS__001 / ATT
Backup CID: CWS__001
Linux Kernel Version:
Removing Root Privileges...
Stopping ADB server...
Info received
Reading codes
Searching microSD disk...
MicroSD disk found:
Volume: G:\
Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive1
Size: 1028096
Writing image to microSD disk...
Writing image to microSD disk: OK
Waiting for User's Actions...
Searching microSD disk...
MicroSD disk found:
Volume: G:\
Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive1
Size: 1028096
Reading codes...
Connecting to server...
Sending data to server...
Receiving data from server...
Unlock codes:
NCK: 85855305
Read codes success

sencillo solo sigan los paso de la box..
y la sdcard con la bateria de 3.7 nada del otro mundo en 2 minutos sale esto
Unlock Inspire 4G ATYT BY lgtool Lgtool10
Unlock Inspire 4G ATYT BY lgtool Lgtool12

Cantidad de envíos : 530
Fecha de inscripción : 02/03/2009

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