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Mensaje por tavo_unlock Miér Jun 10, 2009 9:31 am

hola amigos ak esta otra actualizacion ademas hay dejo el link para q descarguen lol!

New version - LGQ_1_31SC is uploaded at support sites in LG section.

New version - LGQ_1_31SC is uploaded at support sites in LG section.
- added full support,including direct unlock,IMEI and BT ADDR repairing,
flashing,NVM repairing and phone reset for KU990MF,KF701 and MS25 models.
Read in "Unlocker help.txt" file how to work with MS25.
- added flashing for KF390 and KF390Q
- added direct unlock,IMEI and BT ADDR repairing for CB630
- corrected KU990 from TELE2 CROATIA unlocking
user new

Cantidad de envíos : 190
Fecha de inscripción : 18/03/2009
Edad : 34
Localización : columbia

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